Welcome to the Universal documentation for Dashbot! Integrating Dashbot into your chatbot, web bot, SMS bot, voice application, or other conversational interface, is quick and easy.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us

Node Integration

Create an API key

Here is a quick video guide on how to generate you Dashbot API keys.

Install Dashbot via NPM

npm install --save dashbot

Include Dashbot

Use the API key created above.

const dashbot = require('dashbot')(process.env.DASHBOT_API_KEY).universal;

Notice above, we assume you have set an environment variable DASHBOT_API_KEY with your api key.

Whenever your bot sends, or receives data, log to Dashbot

Before diving into the code, the below tables explain the message format you will log to Dashbot.

Message Format

You can send the following fields:

textRequired Text of the messageString
userIdRequired This should be the same userId for both incoming and outgoing messages. This is not the bot’s user IDString
intent(Optional) An object containing intent metadataObject
images(Optional) Urls to any imagesArray<Object>
buttons(Optional) Button options in the messageArray<Object>
postback(Optional) Record of any button clicksObject
platformJson(Optional) Send your platform-specific message JSON here. It will be available for viewing in your transcripts. Reporting on this data is available with our enterprise plan.Object
platformUserJson(Optional) send any user-specific information (ie. zipcode, A/B test group, etc). Reporting on this data is available from audience builder, with our enterprise plan.

If you use these exact field names, they will be used in the expected places on Dashbot reports:
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • locale
  • timezone
  • gender
sessionId(Optional) if you do not want Dashbot to calculate sessions based on the 5-minute message timeout, you may send sessionId instead.String
dashbot_timestamp(Optional) if you want to use your server timestamp you can send a unix-timestamp value see Advanced Usage for more informationNumber

where the intent object includes:

namename of intentString
inputsintent inputsArray<Object>

and the intent input object has fields:

nameinput nameString
valueinput valueString

The images field contains image objects that have the fields:

urlurl of the imageString

The buttons field contains button objects that have the fields:

idid of the buttonString
labellabel for the buttonString
valuevalue of the buttonString

The postback includes the fields:

buttonClickButton click objectObject

and the button click object includes:

buttonIdid of the clicked buttonString

See below for an example.

Log whenever your webhook is called

const messageForDashbot = {
  "text": "Hi, bot",
  "userId": "USERIDHERE123123",
  "platformJson": {
    "whateverJson": "any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"


Whenever you send a message, log the response

const messageForDashbot = {
  "text": "Hello, my human pet",
  "userId": "USERIDHERE123123",
  "platformJson": {
    "whateverJson": "any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"



View sample code.

Integrate the REST API

Using the Universal integration, you can use Dashbot with any conversational user interface.

Create an API key

Here is a quick video guide on how to generate you Dashbot API keys

There are two integration points as outlined below. Before diving into the integration points, the message format section
describes the payload you will be logging to Dashbot.

Message Format

You can send the fields listed above with the following as an example:

  text: "I'd like to place an order for a pizza using 1 bitcoin",
  userId: "user01",
  intent: {
    name: "Order",
    inputs: [{
      name: "Dish",
      value: "Pizza"
    }, {
      name: "Payment",
      value: "1 bitcoin"
    confidence: 1.0
  images: [
  buttons: [{
    id: "=ay13.x",
    label: "Pizza",
    value: "pizza"
  }, {
    id: "=asdf2",
    label: "Drink",
    value: "drink"
  postback: {
    buttonClick: {
      buttonId: "=ay13.x"
  platformJson: {},
  platformUserJson: {},
  sessionId: "1"

1. When your bot receives a message

When your bot receives a message, post the data to the following endpoint:


Make sure to set the ‘Content-Type’ header to ‘application/json’ and replace API_KEY_HERE with your api key.

The data to POST should pass the following data:

  "text": "Hi, bot",
  "userId": "USERID_01",
  "platformJson": {
    "whateverJson": "any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"

Sample cURL

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" <br></br>
-d '{"text":"Hi, bot","userId":"USERIDHERE123123","platformJson":{"whateverJson":"any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"}}' <br></br>

Notice, you must replace the placeholder API_KEY_HERE above with your api key.

This is just an example — we accept all the fields listed at the top of the page.

2. When your bot sends a message

When your bot sends a message, POST to the following endpoint:


Make sure to set the ‘Content-Type’ header to ‘application/json’ and replace API_KEY_HERE with your api key.

The data to POST should pass the following data:

  "text": "Hello, my human pet",
  "userId": "USERIDHERE123123",
  "platformJson": {
    "whateverJson": "any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"

Sample cURL

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" <br></br>
-d '{"text":"Hello, my human pet","userId":"USERIDHERE123123","platformJson":{"whateverJson":"any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"}}' <br></br>

Notice, you must replace the placeholder API_KEY_HERE above with your api key.

Sample JSON with optional fields

  "text": "Hello, my human pet",
  "userId": "USERIDHERE123123",
  "intent": {
    "name": "HELLO"
  "images": [{
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/mIZ9rPeMKefm0/giphy.gif"
  "platformUserJson": {
    "firstName": "Will",
    "lastName": "Robinson",
    "locale": "en_US",
    "timezone": "-8",
    "gender": "male"
  "platformJson": {
    "whateverJson": "any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"

This is just an example — we accept all the fields listed at the top of the page.


View a complete example.